My eCommerce Journey

My eCommerce Journey

Hello, Sunshine! I'm the Owner of Sunshine on the Seas. It's a one-stop cruise shop for all things cruising, including apparel, swimwear, cruise theme clothing, door decorations, and other cruise essentials. By day, I'm a Full Stack Software Engineer. So, why am I doing this?!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love a hustle. As a child, I remember trying to sell my homemade arts & crafts in front of my house. Everyone sells lemonade; I'm going to try something different. I'm pretty sure that I only made one sale to my best friend down the street. Back then, I called that a success.

To me, being a good hustler, wasn't about making money. I just wanted to succeed. Or at least, fail fast. And ultimately be good at whatever I was doing. Then move on to the next opportunity. But I never wanted to lose my newly learned skills, so I would keep improving until I did the best I could.

This year, my challenge was to start an eCommerce business.

The idea wasn't mine to begin with. The seed was planted when my co-worker showed me a magazine that was completely generated by AI. It took a few months for the idea to bloom, but as I do with all my hustles, I went ALL IN. And thus my (Mid)journey began.

Combined with my love for Travel, Adventure, Creativity, bringing people together, and spreading Happiness, Sunshine on the Seas is the perfect amalgamation of everything I embody.

Join me as I document this venture. From generating AI images for my designs, to setting up a Shopify store, learning SEO, advertising, building my brand, and making my first sale. So far, I don't believe all the YouTube videos that claim how easy it is; it hasn't been easy. Ask me again in a few months.

Sunshine on the Seas Banner - Ship on the water with Palm Trees and Sunshine reflections



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